
Starkult Newsletter: Online Newsletter KW 44

November, 2018

Newsletter KW44

Liebe Musikfreunde,

folgend findet ihr wie gewohnt unseren wöchentlichen Rundbrief, natürlich mit der Bitte um Verbreitung.

Wir wünschen ein schönes Wochenende.

Dennis & die Starkult Crew

ARCHITECTS - Neuer Song / Video: "Modern Misery" / Album "Holy Hell" am 09.11. auf Epitaph / Bands größte Europa/ Deutschlandtour Anfang 2019
AWKWARD I - Neues Video online, Tour beginnt alsbald, Album VÖ heute
BUFFALO TOM – Neues Video für den Song “OVERTIME“; live in Berlin am 29.11.
CASH SAVAGE AND THE LAST DRINKS – Neues Video für “Good Cititzens“
CASS MCCOMBS - Neues Album "Tip of The Sphere“ am 08.02.19 auf Anti-Records / 1. Song “Sleeping Volcanoes” / Pressetag am 08.11. in BERLIN / 2 Exklusive Shows in Deutschland
THE FRIGHTS – Neues Video "Over It" und Tourdaten
MAYDAY PARADE - Im Februar auf Headline-Tour in Deutschland
NEKO CASE - Neues Video zu dem Song “LAST LION OF ALBION”
PLAGUE VENDOR - Neuer Song “Locomotive“
ROB MOIR – Neues Lyric-Video für “Wolves“ / ab November auf Tour
SWEDISH DEATH CANDY - Neuer Song / Tourdaten
TOUCHÉ AMORÉ – Live-Album "10 YEARS / 1000 SHOWS LIVE AT THE REGENT THEATER“ ab sofort erhältlich
THUNDER – Tourdatenbekanntgabe März / April 2019

ARCHITECTS - Neuer Song / Video: "Modern Misery" / Album "Holy Hell" am 09.11. auf Epitaph / Bands größte Europa/ Deutschlandtour Anfang 2019

Der ARCHITECTS Countdown zu dem am am 09.11. erscheinenden achten Studioalbum "Holy Hell“ läuft !

Um die Wartezeit zu verkürzen steht mit Modern Misery das Video zu einem weiteren brandneuen Song online!

Erst kürzlich hat die Band mit "HOLY GHOST" , eine sehenswerte Dokumentation über die Entstehung des Albums online gestellt.
Der über 20 Minuten dauernde Film zeigt emotionale Interviews über u.a. des tragischen Tods von Tom Searle, Gründungsmitglied und Bruders des Schlagzeugers Dan , Studio-Sessions, sowie Aufnahmen von der mit 10.000 Besuchern ausverkauften Show in London Anfang des Jahres.

Seit Bekanntgabe des neuen Albums wurden bereits 2 neue Songs veröffentlicht "Royal Beggars" und "Hereafter" beide Videos wurde zusammen bereits knapp 5 Millionen Mal aufgerufen!

Anfang 2019 wird die derzeit angesagteste Metal/Rock Band aus Brighton/UK, ihre bislang größte Headline-Tour spielen, Tickets sind ab sofort verfügbar:

10 Jan 2019 – Dusseldorf, Mitsubishi-Electric-Halle (DE)
2 Feb 2019 – Leipzig, Haus Auensee (DE)
3 Feb 2019 – Offenbach, Stadthalle (DE)
5 Feb 2019 – Berlin, Verti Music Hall (DE)
6 Feb 2019 – München, Zenith (DE)
8 Feb 2019 – Hamburg, Sporthalle (DE)

Holy Hell track list:
1.Death Is Not Defeat
3.Mortal After All
4.Holy Hell
6.Royal Beggars
7.Modern Misery
8.Dying To Heal
9.The Seventh Circle
11. A Wasted Hymn

Architects is Sam Carter (vocals), Adam Christianson (guitar), Ali Dean (bass), Josh Middleton (guitar) and Dan Searle (drums).

For more information/ pre-order:


AWKWARD I – Neues Video online, Tour beginnt alsbald, Album VÖ heute

Kurz vor dem offiziellen Tourstart am 08.11. in Bremen, veröffentlicht der niederländische Künstler AWKWARD I ein neues, sehr unterhaltsames Video.

Musikalisch fällt er wohl in das große Fach der Singer /Songwriter, hört man sich aber das Album an, nimmt sich auch die Texte vor und wirft einen Blick auf die super unterhaltsamen Videos (s.u.), ergibt sich ein etwas differenzierteres Bild. Wunderbare Unterhaltung auf gehobenem Niveau, mit einem feinen Sinn für die Zwischentöne.
Heute erscheint KYD, das neue Album.

A Boat Beneath A Sunny Sky Video

AWKWARD i - Happiest Man (at your funeral)

AWKWARD i - Road is Rock

AWKWARD i - Milkshakes Funnelcakes

08.11.2018 — Bremen, Deutschland — Litfass
09.11.2018 — Dresden, Deutschland — KiF (Kino in der Fabrik) / Schwarzer Salon
10.11.2018 — Berlin, Deutschland — Art Stalker (Doppelshow mit Oxen)
11.11.2018 — Hof, Deutschland — Dachbodenkonzerte
13.11.2018 — Viechtach, Deutschland — Spital
14.11.2018 — Leipzig, Deutschland — Kulturapotheke (KuApo)
15.11.2018 — Hatzenweier, Deutschland — Grüner Baum
17.11.2018 — Offenbach, Deutschland — Hafen 2
18.11.2018 — Stuttgart, Deutschland — Cafe Galao


Buffalo Tom – Neues Video für den Song “OVERTIME“; live in Berlin am 29.11.

Kurz vor ihrem einzigen Deutschland Konzert am 29.11. veröffentlichen BUFFALLO TOM mit Overtime eineneues Video aus dem aktuellen Album QUIET AND PEACE, dass im März diesen Jahres erschien.

Watch here (feel free to share!)

European Tour Dates:
Tue 27 Nov - Copenhagen, DK - Pumpehuset
Thu 29 Nov - Berlin, DE - Bi Nuu
Sat 1 Dec - Leuven, BE - Het Depot
Sun 2 Dec - Amsterdam, NL - Paradiso
Tue 4 Dec - Bristol, UK - Fleece
Wed 5 Dec - London, UK - Electric Ballroom
Thu 6 Dec - Birmingham, UK - Institute 2
Sat 8 Dec - Eindhoven, HOLLAND - Come as You Are Effenaar

Ahead of their forthcoming European tour, which starts in Copenhagen on 27 November, Buffalo Tom share the new video for "Overtime", a song that appeared on their recent album Quiet and Peace, out now on Schoolkids Records.

The video was directed by Rachel Lichtman from (an absurdist New Wave music-and-comedy sketch web series). It was edited by drummer Tom Maginnis' daughter Marlena.

Singer-guitarist Bill Janovitz explains more about the video:

"The idea came from the song lyric. Rachel was going to round up photos of a few women from our families at various points in their lives, from childhood into motherhood. She had some of her own of her mom and even had some Super 8 footage she thought of mixing in. Then she loaded up just that latter footage of her mom, Susan, with the music to see where she might best use it and it just seemed to synch up perfectly, with no need to go back and use the still shots for the original concept. There was this footage of her mom from childhood to motherhood, all Super 8, which has to be a fairly rare case (my mom might have some stuff of he when she was a child, but not beyond that).

So it is all real vintage footage of one person's pivot points, from young childhood to young adulthood. Also Tom’s daughter Marlena Maginnis edited the video, so its all in the family!"

Quiet and Peace is a compelling 11-song set that finds the trio—singer-guitarist Bill Janovitz, bassist-vocalist Chris Colbourn and drummer Tom Maginnis—simultaneously mining their best-known sonic elements while breaking new ground on emotionally resonant new tunes such as "All Be Gone," "Roman Cars," "Freckles" and "CatVMouse." Buffalo Tom's first collection since 2011's Skins, Quiet and Peace was mixed by John Agnello (Kurt Vile, Sonic Youth, The Hold Steady) and marks the band's first collaboration with producer and fellow Boston alt-rock legend David Minehan, renowned ex-leader of the Neighborhoods.

"Buffalo Tom remain a very fine shoulder to cry on, warm, steady and strong." - Q

"Still full of verve and vinegar." - Record Collector

"Bracing and beautiful." - The Los Angeles Times

Watch video for "Roman Cars"

Watch video for "The Only Living Boy In New York"

Listen to "All be Gone"


CASH SAVAGE AND THE LAST DRINKS – Neues Video für “Good Cititzens“

CASH SAVAGE AND THE LAST DRINKS haben sich für das Video zu ihrer ersten Single aus dem gleichnamigen Album “Good Citizens“, dass am 12.10 auf Cash Savage Records erschienen ist, etwas ganz Besonderes ausgedacht. Statt den Song selber zu singen, lässt Cash Savage ihn von den Männern des Good Citizens Choir performen, begleitet vom Klavierspieler der Band. Das Ergebnis ist ein bewegendes Zeichen der Solidarität für Frauen und die LGBTQ+ Community.

Video "Good Citizens"

Präsentiert vom GUARDIAN

Weitere Infos:
It’s a message which hits hard, at this time of a national crisis in domestic violence, which is killing one woman every week. A time when the Prime Minister has invoked outdated anti-discrimination laws to deny fairness and equality to LGBTQI children and teachers. Cash Savage’s message to men, voiced by the men of the Good Citizens Choir, could not be more clear and urgent — Stand with us. Break your silence. Add your voice to the chorus of those saying no to violence and systemic injustice.

Praised as an album with a message, ‘Good Citizens’ has welcomed glowing reviews since its September release. The overwhelming response to the album has attracted feature slots for community radio stations across the country including PBS and RRR’s Album of the Week.

“Good Citizens is more evenly measured, her band even tighter, and it’s her best set of songs to date. You won’t hear much that’s better than this in 2018.” The Guardian (4 stars)


CASS MCCOMBS - Neues Album "Tip of The Sphere“ am 08.02.19 auf Anti-Records / 1. Song “Sleeping Volcanoes” / Pressetag am 08.11. in BERLIN / 2 Exklusive Shows in Deutschland

Mit seiner ANTI- Records Debüt "MANGY LOVE“ vor 2 Jahren, hat Cass McCombs grossen Eindruck hinterlassen (u.a. “Best Rock Album of the Year” by Pitchfork) , nun kündigt der hoch talentierte Songwriter für den 08.02.19 sein neues Studioalbum ?Tip Of The Sphere“ an.

Die Album Lead-Single "Sleeping Volcanoes" steht bereits zum Anhören bereit.

Im November stehen 2 exklusive Shows in Deutschland an

09.11.18: Weissenhäuser Strand @ Rolling Stone Weekender
16.11.18:- Rust @ Rolling Stone Park

Weitere Infos:
Tip of the Sphere follows 2016’s Mangy Love. For that record, McCombs made his television debut on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and was featured in The New York Times’ Sunday Arts & Leisure section. It was named a “Best Rock Album of the Year” by Pitchfork, featured in the Washington Post’s “Best Music of 2016,” plus many other best of 2016 lists, and was his overall most critically praised album.

While most of McCombs albums have been pieced together in different studios over an extended period of time, Tip of the Sphere was recorded quickly and with a strong sense of purpose at Shahzad Ismaily’s Figure 8 Studios in Brooklyn. This new approach for McCombs brought his songs a raw immediacy and a special balance of compassion and experimentation with the intent of making a more consistent statement. The rock songs have more fervor, the ballads are more beautiful, the explorations more confident; the sounds of jazz and Latin music creep in through the back window. Engineered by Sam Owens (aka Sam Evian), Tip of the Sphere features the core band of McCombs (guitar, vocals), Dan Horne (bass), Otto Hauser (drums) and Frank LoCrasto (piano, organ, and more), plus a range of guests.

Tip of the Sphere recounts what has unfolded in the wake of Mangy Love’s pre-inaugural prophetic themes. It presents an artist trying to make sense of it all through a relentless, ever searching creative process. Throughout Tip of the Sphere, McCombs floats through a suite of songs driven by a journeying mysticism and dark grace. The thematic centerpiece of the album, “Sleeping Volcanoes,” is a rousing, rock and roll number that uses a distinct lyrical approach to intensify the narrative. On the main refrain, a key phrase of the song is repeated continuously and taken through its possible meanings, almost like a jazz musician repeating a musical phrase through key and chord changes. As described by McCombs, “Sleeping Volcanoes” is about “people passing each other on the sidewalk unaware of the emotional volatility they are brushing past, like a sleeping volcano that could erupt at any moment.”

Listen To Cass McCombs' "Sleeping Volcanoes"

Watch Tip of the Sphere Teaser

Tip of the Sphere Tracklist:
1. I Followed The River South To What
2. The Great Pixley Train Robbery
3. Estrella
4. Absentee
5. Real Life
6. Sleeping Volcanoes
7. Sidewalk Bop After Suicide
8. Prayer For Another Day
9. American Canyon Sutra
10. Tying Up Loose Ends
11. Rounder


THE FRIGHTS – Neues Video "Over It" und Tourdaten

Heute veröffentlichen The Frights ihr neustes Video zur Single "Over It", die im Sommer auf dem aktuellen Album Hypchondriac (Epitaph) erschien.
Sie haben gerade erst ihre US-Tour in 25 Städten und mit ausverkauften Shows beendet. Jetzt kommt die US Indie/Surf/Punk-Band auch nach Deutschland.

20.11.2018: Hamburg, Molotow Skybar
21.11.2018: Berlin - Cassiopeia
22.11.2018: Köln - MTC

Weitere Infos zum Album:
Hypochondriac wurde von FIDLAR-Frontmann Zac Carper produziert, der auch schon bei den letzten Alben von SWMRS und DUNE RATS involviert war. Gemixt wurde es von Rob Kinelski (Ed Sheeran, Billie Elish, Thirty Seconds To Mars) und gemastert vom mehrfachen GRAMMY Award-Gewinner Greg Calbi (Arcade Fire, Tame Impala, The War on Drugs).


MAYDAY PARADE - Im Februar auf Headline-Tour in Deutschland

Nach der Veröffentlichung ihres Albums "Sunnyland" im Sommer auf Rise Records kommen die Pop-Rocker MAYDAY PARADE im Februar 2019 hierzulande auf Headline-Tour.

Die Tourdaten:
25.02.2019: Köln, Live Music Hall
27.02.2019: Hamburg, Knust
28.02.2019: München, Backstage
Support: Basement

Zur Einstimmung auf die Tourdaten gibt es das Musikvideo zur Single "It's Hard To Be Religious When Certain People Are Never Incinerated By Bolts Of Lightning".

Weitere Infos:
The sixth studio album from Tallahassee-based rock band Mayday Parade, Sunnyland gets its title from an abandoned hospital where the band members used to sneak in to explore as teenagers. “The hospital shut down sometime in the mid-’80s but then it just stayed there for decades,” says lead vocalist Derek Sanders. “It was a super-creepy place—it was overgrown with vines, and still had some of the hospital beds and IV stands—but we have all these good memories of hanging out there when we were younger.”

The follow-up to their acclaimed 2015 album Black Lines, Sunnyland finds Mayday Parade both reflecting on the past and pushing toward the future. The band recorded the album with longtime producers Zack Odom and Kenneth Mount, and also teamed up with Grammy nominated producer John Feldmann (blink-182, Panic! At the Disco) and Howard Benson (Of Mice & Men, My Chemical Romance) for the very first time. The result is an album built on impassioned vocals, sing-along choruses, and deeply heartfelt lyrics.

Since making their debut with 2007’s A Lesson in Romantics, the band has sold over 1.1 million albums, steadily amassing a worldwide following. Through the years, their chemistry has only gotten more potent, with all five members now contributing to the songwriting process (and coming up with upwards of 80 songs in the writing sessions for Sunnyland). “When we started this band most of us were still teenagers,” notes Sanders. “We’ve obviously grown up and changed a whole lot since then, but through all that we’ve grown closer as friends and tighter as musicians. It’s amazing and incredible that we’re able to still do this, and we all definitely realize how lucky we are.”


NEKO CASE - Neues Video zu dem Song “LAST LION OF ALBION”

Inspired by forces of nature and acts of a mercurial, forgotten god, Neko Case’s latest album Hell-On is a record sealed by fire and filled with love, rage, and dangers that might lay waste to everything at any moment. So if you wake up dazed in a smoking landscape, walking through the detritus of your own lost civilization with the smell of ash in your hair, your favorite sweater gone and a new song in your head, don't say you weren't warned.

Today Case has released the new music video for the anthemic track "Last Lion of Albion", a requiem of a song for the magnificent landscapes and creatures that have been erased from our planet by the effects of humans. “I’m very honored and excited to debut this video for “Last Lion of Albion” by one of my very favorite artists, Laura Plansker,“ Case explained. “I’ve loved her work forever; she‘s so skilled at using handmade figures and props to create surreal worlds. Her work perfectly balances humor and darkness in a way that breaks my heart. She has a way of making something so artificial so very alive. The turning of the lion’s head to look at the sky, or its own reflection makes me cry my eyes out. There is so much straight ahead compassion in Laura’s work, there’s no need to manipulate emotion of the viewer, it is the perfect balance. I’m so happy to share it here with you!“


PLAGUE VENDOR - Neuer Song “Locomotive“

Die südkalifornische Post-Garage-Punk-Band PLAGUE VENDOR präsentiert mit ?Locomotive“ einen neuenvon Brett Gurewitz produzierten Song.

Das passende Video mit Ausschnitten vom Auftritt auf dem Ohana Fest (ein von Eddie Vedder / Pearl und Surf-Profi Kelly Slater organisiertes Festival), gibt es hier zu sehen.

Weitere Infos:
Driven by a pummeling bassline, “Locomotive” is a three-minute burst of brooding guitar riffs and garage-punk fury. Throughout the track, singer Brandon Blaine’s vocals shift from restrained to manic, intensifying the primal energy at the heart of “Locomotive.”

“Locomotive,” recorded during the same session that delivered “I Only Speak in Friction,” was also produced by Epitaph founder and Bad Religion guitarist Brett Gurewitz. Since the premiere of the song this past July, Plague Vendor went into the studio with Producer John Congleton (St. Vincent, Unknown Mortal Orchestra) to record the follow up to their 2016 release titled BLOODSWEAT. The newly recorded album is yet to be titled or given a release date.

Known for their exhilarating live performance, Plague Vendor got their start in a practice space in Whittier, California, in 2009. After making their name by playing endless shows around Southern California, the band quickly went from gigging at backyard parties to filling festivals with their formidable post-punk. Plague Vendor officially released their debut album 2014’s Free To Eat—a darkly thrashing collection of songs clocking in under 20 minutes. Their sophomore album BLOODSWEAT earned widespread critical praise, with SPIN hailing the album as a “nerve-wracking, full-band blast... explodes from its first second.”

For more information on Plague Vendor, visit:


ROB MOIR – Neues Lyric-Video für “Wolves“ / ab November auf Tour

Der kanadische Singer/Songwriter Rob Moir veröffentlicht mit “Wolves“ eine weitere Single samt Lyricvideo aus seinem Album “Solo Record“, das am 16.11. auf Make My Day Records erscheint.

Wolves (Lyrics Video)

Zuvor hatte Moir unter anderem schon das Musikvideo zu “Sometimes You Gotta Go“ veröffentlicht.

Musikvideo "Sometimes You Gotta Go"

ROB MOIR geht zudem ab November hierzulande auf Tour.

08.11.2018 — Düsseldorf, Deutschland — Malort Auszeit
10.11.2018 — Bremerhaven, Deutschland — Kubi Nord
12.11.2018 — Harsefeld, Deutschland — Kino Hotel
13.11.2018 — Lüneburg, Deutschland — KulturRausch e.V.
14.11.2018 — Berlin, Deutschland — Ramones Museum
15.11.2018 — Dresden, Deutschland — Dachbar
17.11.2018 — Köln, Deutschland — Tsunami Club (with Matze Rossi)
18.11.2018 — Bremen, Deutschland — Helden Bar
19.11.2018 — Hamburg, Deutschland — Pony Bar
21.11.2018 — Lübeck, Deutschland — Tonfink
22.11.2018 — Kiel, Deutschland — Prinz Willy
23.11.2018 — Frankenburg, Deutschland — Welt Theater
24.11.2018 — Saarbrücken, Deutschland — Studio 30 (with Max Young)
28.11.2018 — Wien, Österreich — Café Erdgeschoss (with Chris Magerl)
29.11.2018 — Graz, Österreich — Guest Room (with Chris Magerl)
30.11.2018 — Wiener Neustadt, Österreich — Treibwerk (with Chris Magerl)
04.12.2018 — Bregenz, Österreich — Tankstelle
05.12.2018 — Innsbruck, Österreich — Die Bäckerei


SWEDISH DEATH CANDY - Neuer Song / Tourdaten

Die Psychedelic/Prog Rocker SWEDISH DEATH CANDY aus London veröffentlichen heute mit “A Date With Caligula“ einen neuen Song und werden zudem im Dezember 3 Shows Deutschland spielen:

'A Date With Caligula'

13/12/2018 : Münster, Rare Guitar
14/12/2018 : Kassel, Goldgrube
15/12/2018 : Siegen, Freak Valley Xmas

Zudem ist die Band gerade im Studio, um den Nachfolger ihres Debüts aufzunehmen, welches wieder auf Hassle Records erscheinen wird.

Weitere Infos:

Following three months of extensive European tour dates, London-based international acid rockers SWEDISH DEATH CANDY are pleased to reveal brand new single ‘A Date With Caligula’ ahead of their forthcoming german shows.

The new single is out now via Hassle Records on all good digital service providers, alongside tickets for the London date. The band are currently in the studio working on the follow up to their heavy psychedelic self-titled debut opus, with further details of new material to be revealed heading into 2019.

SDC vocalist Louis Perry explains of the single: “The track’s message is pretty simple, grasp the nettle... do your thing! Don’t be like Caligula though—if being a murdering lunatic is who you are, you should probably put a lid on it. We recorded it just before the European tour in September, it all came together pretty quickly, and we’re feeling pretty excited about the new material. It seems we’ve found our groove, and the next album is coming together nicely.”

Pulling influence from the likes of Black Sabbath to Queens of The Stone Age via Can and The Beatles to Oasis, SDC’s music ebbs and flows from beautiful soundscapes to hellish psychedelic trips, all focused through a barrage of increasingly crushing riffs slathered in distortion and utilising as many FX pedals as seems humanly possibly.

A live force to be reckoned with, anyone who’s seen them performing in the flesh will testify that SDC are capable of upstaging most bands they play with, no matter how skilled or established. Whilst out in Europe, not only were they selected for a filmed session with Seattle’s infamous KEXP at Transmuicales, but they also performed their debut album top to bottom for legendary French Music show ‘Album de la Semaine’ on CANAL+ (whose recent guests include Idles and The Breeders).

Early support slots with Wand, Yak and Kvelertak all opened the door to critical praise from Dan P Carter at Radio 1, NME, Clash Magazine, DIY, The Line of Best Fit, The 405, and The Metro, with performances at festivals such as Eurosonic, Transmusicales and Desertfest cementing their reputation as one of the most incendiary new live bands on the circuit.

German Live-Dates:
13/12/2018 : Münster, Rare Guitar
14/12/2018 : Kassel, Goldgrube
15/12/2018 : Siegen, Freak Valley Xmas

“Rock music so bombastically delightful to listen to that it’s rather difficult to deny” - The Metro
“Stoner, doom, psych-wizardry, and bursts of garage fuzz all mingle seamlessly” - The 405
“‘60s psychedelia comes head to head with Mississippi garage punk - The Line of Best Fit
“An exhilarating blitzkrieg of stoner doom riffage” - PROG

Swedish Death Candy online:


TOUCHÉ AMORÉ – Live-Album "10 YEARS / 1000 SHOWS LIVE AT THE REGENT THEATER“ ab sofort erhältlich

Am 16.02. spielten TOUCHÈ AMORÈ zum 10 jährigen Band-Jubiläum ihre 1000ste Live Show im "Regent Theater“ in ihrer Heimatstadt Los Angeles. Die Live-Aufnahme dieser ausverkauften Show, wird nun heute unter dem Titel "10 Years / 1000 Shows at The Regent Theater“ auf Epitaph veröffentlicht.

Einen visuellen Eindruck bekommt man anhand des Videos zu dem emotionalen Song "New Halloween":
Weitere Informationen über den Song und das Album:

Recorded on February 16, 10 Years / 1000 Shows - Live at the Regent Theater captures Touché Amoré’s 1,000th show at the title venue in their hometown of Los Angeles. The sold-out show also marked Touché Amoré’s 10-year anniversary as a band.

A particularly intense moment from that night was Touché Amoré’s performance of “New Halloween” which is charged with painful and powerful energy. In its raw expression of unbearable loss, the song centers on the death of frontman Jeremy Bolm’s mother, who passed away on Halloween 2014 while the band were playing THE FEST in Gainesville, Florida.

The original version of “New Halloween” appears on Touché Amoré’s acclaimed fourth studio album, Stage Four. Released in September 2016, Stage Four graced “Best of 2016” lists from outlets like the A.V. Club, Stereogum, L.A. Weekly, and Brooklyn Vegan.

10 Years / 1000 Shows - Live at the Regent Theater features 29 live-recorded tracks, all mixed by Converge’s Kurt Ballou at GodCity Studio in Salem, Massachusetts.

Track list for 10 Years / 1000 Shows - Live at the Regent Theater by Touché Amoré

1. ~
2. New Halloween
3. Rapture
4. And Now It’s Happening In Mine
5. Uppers / Downers
6. Adieux
7. Steps
8. Just Exist
9. Pathfinder
10. Flowers And You
11. Negotiating The Charade
12. The Great Repetition
13. Art Official
14. Displacement
15. Cadence
16. Harbor
17. Palm Dreams
18. Home Away From Here
19. Amends
20. Banter
21. Benediction
22. Is Survived By
23. Condolences
24. Banter
25. Circa 95
26. Low Beams
27. I’ll Get My Just Deserve
28. I’ll Deserve Just That
29. Honest Sleep

For more information on Touché Amoré, visit:


THUNDER – Tour im März / April 2019
Nachdem die englische Rock Band Thunder gerade erst verkündet hat, am 18.01.2018 ein ganz besonderes “Best Of“ Album (“Please Remain Seated“, BMG / Ada Warner) zu veröffentlichen, nämlich neu interpretierte Versionen bekannter Klassiker, verkünden sie heute die Tourdaten, die sie im März und April nach Deutschland führen werden. Während das Album größtenteils akustisch erklingt, darf man auf der Tour die gewohnte Lautstärke und Energie erwarten.
Das komplette Tracklisting des Album sieht so sieht so aus: Bigger Than Both Of Us / Future Train / Girl’s Going Out Of Her Head / I’m Dreaming Again / Fly On The Wall / Just Another Suicide / Empty City / Miracle Man / Blown Away / Loser / She’s So Fine / Low Life In High Places

Aktuelles Video : She's So Fine

Thunder live:
25.03. München, Backstage
26.03. Aschaffenburg, Colos Saal
27.03. Ludwigsburg, Rockfabrik
29.03. Berlin, Frannz Club
30.03. Hamburg, Knust
31.03. Bochum, Zeche
02.04. Nürnberg, Hirsch
03.04. Köln, Kantine

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